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What is an Infrared Dehydrator?

An infrared dehydrator uses infrared waves to dry fruits and vegetables. These waves are similar to the sun's rays. This technology allows to dry your fruits and vegetables uniformly because the waves penetrate into the fruit (unlike the hot air that dries the outside of the fruit). The first infrared dehydrator is the CI D5: see complete sheet of the first infrared dehydrator.

What is the drying surface of a dehydrator?

The drying surface corresponds to the space where you can arrange your food to dry (pieces, slices or whole fruits). This surface is different for each model and is calculated according to the size of the trays and the number of trays. For a which dehydrator with rectangular trays, drying surfaces are calculated as follows: Drying surface (cm²) = width of a tray (in cm) x length of a tray (in cm) x number of trays For a dehydrator ... Read more »

What to do in case of technical problems with my dehydrator

Like any household appliance, the food dehydrator may break down, break or require maintenance. The most well-known dehydrator worries do not heat anymore: it is often a problem of the heating resistance which breaks or the fuse that blows . Dehydrator no longer lights up: in this case nothing works any more (the fan does not turn any more and nothing heats). This type of problem is often related to the power supply that breaks (due to overvoltage or other). The air of ... More » ;


Des Conseils Necessaires Pour Savoir la Date D'accouchement correcte

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Une fois que vous avez confirmé que vous êtes enceinte, vous voulez savoir quand votre bébé doit arriver. La grossesse moyenne est calculée à 40 semaines à partir du début de votre dernière période menstruelle. Cependant les bébés gardent rarement à un...

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